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Why do I need STASHÂŪ?

There are thousands of cyber security options to choose from in an attempt to solve what is the most pervasive and damaging business problem of our time: the compromise of valuable data. On average, large companies are utilizing 156 different tools to try and keep cybercriminals out. Smaller companies 72 tools. A costly, time intensive and for the most part, futile exercise in frustration.

The accelerating cost of cybercrime is costing organizations, on average, US$10.0 million annually. Whether managing incidents themselves or spending to recover from the disruption to the business and customers, organizations are investing on an unprecedented scale— but current spending priorities show that much of this is misdirected toward security capabilities that fail to deliver the greatest efficiency and effectiveness.

STASHÂŪ was developed specifically to solve this presumed failure, by directly protecting the most valuable common denominator in the cyber security equation: the content of every kind of file format.

What products does STASHÂŪ offer?

STASHÂŪ Proactive Secure Data Governance: Data privacy, security, integrity and resilience, on-cloud (private, public, hybrid) or off-cloud (company owned servers) anywhere in the world. Data is secure in-transit, when sharing, and at-rest. STASHÂŪ is data, network, and infrastructure agnostic. Data is always available in real time even if some storage locations are unavailable at any time. Our modular framework and automated implementation is non-disruptive, and works in the background with Keys-on-the-FlyÂŪ – proprietary technology activated when files are needed then destroyed after use for a trackless digital footprint. Even if breached, the statistical probability of data access is nil. No costly & time intensive integration needed. Simple and autonomous, completely supported, maintained, and upgraded by Stash.

Digital Rights Management (DRM): keeps access permissions in the hands of the authorized administrator – never the users, so data is protected in whose ever hands it is in, whether inside or outside of the organization, anywhere it is, anywhere it goes. Even if files are accessed by nefarious actors, competitors,
unauthorized entities or individuals, the content is completely private and secure. Not only can the files not be opened, the data inside the file is encrypted, parsed, scattered. The data protection version of the scientific phenomena, double protection.

STASHÂŪ 1-Click Ransomware Recovery: When your network, infrastructure, and data is held for ransom, the fastest growing and most costly breach of all, the typical reaction is panic. With 1-Click Ransomware Recovery, you will avoid days, weeks, even months of downtime. And the ransom? Forget about it. Simply go to the STASHÂŪ Administrator Dashboard, choose the data you want to restore by version and time, or the entire system and click the button. Your data is out of ransomware clutches, ransomware is foiled and one of the most damaging breach events is just another business problem solved. 

STASHÂŪ Flex: Know where your data is anywhere in the world in real time. Map-based locational protocols show the exact locations of where your data is, on cloud or off.

STASHÂŪ Dash: Share any kind of unstructured data file, particularly Media & Entertainment files, privately and securely. Choose who can
view, for how long, how many times – no screenshots, downloads, or copying allowed.

STASHÂŪ Hibernate is the right choice for long to very long data protection requirements. It includes all the features of STASHÂŪ Secure Data. Plus, it maintains data in an accessible, readable format ensuring it can be retrieved and is usable now and for 100 years from now no matter how technology changes over time. Hibernate was developed and architected for all  industries and especially those such as Financial & Life Sciences that are required to store data for decades. 

What is DigitalConfettiÂŪ?

DigitalConfettiÂŪ is an array of bits of unstructured data. Our security solution encrypts files using AES 256-bit technology, the strongest available, then parses it into many multiples of small pieces.

Do other companies have this technology?

No, the STASHÂŪ solution is unique & patented. Our entire focus is on data privacy, security, integrity, and resilience.

How does my data become useless to malicious actors?

This is a proprietary part of the solution; please contact us for more information.

How does STASHÂŪ help with GDPR compliance?

Cybercriminals attack valuable data from many different angles. Their motivation is not always theft. In addition, data manipulation, destruction, and ransomware have become formidably adversarial in the last few years and show no sign of abating. GDPR has laid down the gauntlet. Any company anywhere in the world that compromises the personal identifiable information or PII of any European citizen will be subject to fines of as much as 4% of revenue for each occurrence. Hence, only a security solution that actually stays with the data, protecting it even when it is accessed by a malicious actor, will solve this problem. That’s what STASHÂŪ delivers.

What is the ‘digital footprint’?

It means that once the application is signed off, the path to and from your data for that time period of use is erased – it is as if you were never there. Another layer of security to ensure an attacker doesn’t follow in your footsteps and get closer to your data than is optimum.

How do I keep track of where my data is?

STASHÂŪ delivers real time viewing of your data at all times, in all the locations it resides.

Can I save Database or office automation files?

This is an unstructured data security solution – anything you can create and put in a folder. Audio files, visual files, spreadsheets, documents and the like. There are no restrictions on file types. There is a maximum single file size of 4TB, though you can upload as many 4TB files as you wish.

STASHÂŪ protects the data that comprises 80% of business data today, rising to 95% in the next 5 years.

STASHÂŪ works with Exchange and Oracle databases – but only archive or backup copies of the files themselves, which then can be secured and stored. We do not interact with data in databases directly.

For example, if you create an archive or export copy of an Exchange/Oracle/Microsoft SQL/MySQL database, that file can be uploaded and kept private and secure.

How do I pay for the service?

The fee for the STASHÂŪ services of your choice is paid on a monthly, annual, or multi-year basis.

Does STASHÂŪ support Data Residency, Sovereignty, and Localization?

Yes – you can choose to have your data stored in a specified country, geographic location, or with specific cloud storage providers, and/or on specific servers.

Do I have to download or run any special software on my PC or MAC?

No – all the transformative routines, AES encryption/decryption, slicing/gluing, and the decision- making around storage locations is done on the gateway server. Entirely web-based; we do not have any end user software requirements other than a standard web browser. The Solution also protects data in environments that are not connected to the Internet. (ask us how).

How does STASHÂŪ ensure that my data is always available?

There are at minimum 3 accessible copies of your data available at any given time, saved in DigitalConfettiÂŪ format at the on-cloud storage providers of your choice, or off cloud, on-site in company owned servers. If any location becomes unavailable, one of the other accessible copies will be retrieved from different cloud storage providers or locations.

Why is this solution secure?

Only customers have access to their data through unique patented encryption keys that are destroyed after each use. Keys are not held by STASHÂŪ, and are not saved to networks, files, or infrastructures. Data cannot be accessed by anyone, including anyone at STASHÂŪ. Only you (or your authorized parties) can do so. We cannot recreate or replicate your data. STASHÂŪ uses an authentication method that doesn’t rely on complicated schemes, insecure SMS messages, or one-time codes that are easy to socially engineer.

Pieces of data are stored in multiples, in multiple venues. An adversary would have to find all the pieces, put them back together in order, and unencrypt them all to have access – though we never say never, this is a statistical and technological improbability of practically impossible proportion. There is NOTHING that makes data more private and secure.

Isn’t this just another security product?

STASHÂŪ is DSECaaSâ„Ē – Data Security as a Service – a genuine solution to one of the costliest business problems of all time. Other security vendors sell ‘tools’ that are used to build fences and walls, and to predict aberrant behavior in order to attempt to defend against or to react after an intrusion. They were not built to protect data. STASHÂŪ works with your existing security infrastructure to protect data at the data byte level. It stays with the data itself wherever it is, wherever it goes. Best of all, STASHÂŪ is automated and cost effective. No expensive integration and training are required, no additional personnel are needed to manage the solution. STASHÂŪ takes care of it all.

Is it difficult to implement?

No – we use a web browser-based interface that will be familiar to anyone that has ever saved a file. The difference is your data is a) encrypted and b) then dispersed at the time you save the file. We offer a SAAS version for easy implementation, ready to use in 5 minutes. API and Secure Backup implementations that operate in the background, with no impact on existing work practices, processes, or procedures are additional deployment methods for STASHÂŪ.

What happens to the data ‘at rest’?

Your files remain encrypted and segmented for the entire time you choose to STASHÂŪ them. A malicious actor or algorithm that breaks into where the data is kept, will only find unrecognizable, unusable DigitalConfettiÂŪ. Only you will be able to access and decrypt your data.

Does the data security slow down my sending and receiving of data?

There is a small overhead or latency, which equates to <10% of the time taken to currently save and retrieve unsecured data in your environment. It is virtually unnoticeable.

Do I have to save my files in a specific data centre?

No – your data can be saved to storage facilities of your choice anywhere in the world, or alternatively, we can install Gateway Servers on your network so your files are encrypted and dispersed within your infrastructure.

Companies with under 50 employees can sign up here and begin to use STASH immediately and transparently.

All of the features and functions of the solution are included either way.

STASH also writes to online cloud storage providers or local storage devices. Custom integrations are available for more complex requirements.

How long does data remain private and secure?

Data remains protected for as long as you maintain your account with us.

Can I mandate that my data stay in a specific country?

Yes – you can choose to have your data stored in a specified country, geographic location, or with specific cloud storage providers, and/or on specific servers.

How do I keep track of where my data is?

STASHÂŪ delivers real time viewing of your data at all times, in all the locations it resides.

What are ‘Keys-on-the-FlyÂŪ’?

When a user initiates the process of encrypting or decrypting files via SaaS, API, or Secure Backup, the file encryption and decryption keys are generated from multiple components when they are needed, and destroyed immediately after use. This means that the keys aren’t sitting somewhere they can be compromised or stolen, unlike most other encryption systems, data storage facilities, or data management firms, even those using high security hardware modules. If STASHÂŪ were directed to access your data, we do not have the means to comply. It’s part of our “your data is yours, period” promise.

Can I use this on my mobile phone or tablet?

Yes – through a mobile browser just like on desktop or laptops.

What happens if I stop using STASHÂŪ?

No worries. If you ever want to stop using STASHÂŪ, you will have time to access and transfer your data out of protected status, before STASH securely destroys the data.

I already use many security tools. Will STASHÂŪ work well with them?

STASHÂŪ is a modular solution. If your company or organization prefers to use your own proprietary encryption algorithms, or multi-factor authentication tools, or other legacy configurations, STASHÂŪ will snap on to the existing stack without disrupting it, adding the most impactful and important piece: data privacy, security, resilience, and integrity you can count on. The genius of STASHÂŪ is that it was developed to replace hundreds of other tools, or work seamlessly with any configuration of existing tools - it’s your choice.

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